Thursday, December 6, 2007

Welcome to the Virtual Antique Typewriter Museum

Welcome to the Virtual Antique Typewriter Museum

The typewriter museum showcases not only the different types of typewriters across time but also typewriter accessories, a few pieces of art work, and images from books about typewriters.

1. The museum is a virtual museum which indicates that they do not have a large physical museum space. They probably digitized all of their holdings. the best way to view the collection was by selecting the brands link. This gave letters of the alphabet to choose from and from there you could choose a brand to see the type of typewriter.

2.There was quite a bit of metadata. This included the year of production,the company that manufactured the piece, the serial number on the item, a small history of the item, and from what collection the item resides.

3.Each image only expanded once from the thumbnail but there were many images associated with each brand. For example, one image showed the front case while another would show the inner workings of the typewriter. I know very little about different kinds of typewriters so for the novice viewer, I could see generally how the machine operated, the way the keys were situated, and printed instructions on the machine

4. Based on the intricate pictures that showed the inside workings of the machine, the audience is probably someone who has at least rudimentary knowledge of typewriter history but the site was also enjoyable and informative enough to teach the novice.

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