Sunday, September 30, 2007

When Nixon Met Elvis

When Nixon Met Elvis is an online exhibit at the National Archives.

Selection Decisions

This appears to be a permanent online exhibit compiled from documents and photographs in the National Archives. I would guess that the Archives has all of the rights for displaying the documents, and I don't think there is any copyright on the photographs since some are available for download. There is information on the site about the Archives' commitment to accessibility to all users, and it's available in both Flash and standard HTML.

The descriptive metadata for the collection is very specific and provides lots of details about the event's place in history. Structural metadata is evident through the arrangement of the collection chronologically; also, the user can flip through the pages and photographs in order and know where they are at all times. The administrative data is rather lacking, and there is no alt text for the images.

Object Characteristics
The collection is offered in a variety of formats due to accessibility (Flash, JPEGs for HTML) and downloading (Zip files of JPEGS). Because of how close you can zoom in they appear to be high resolution. Type-over text is positioned over the hand-written documents to allow for easy reading. The file names aren't very specific, but seem to provide sequential numbering. Conveniently the correspondence is all dated, but again, no information is available about who scanned the images and when they were scanned or uploaded.

Intended Audience
This is definitely an educational exhibit and would be a great addition to a lesson plan; the history provided with the images and documents is very comprehensive.

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