Friday, November 30, 2007

Cultural Digital Library Indexing Our Heritage


The Cultural Digital Library Indexing Our Heritage (CLIOH) is a project of the Indiana University School of Informatics Informatics Research Institute (IRI). The project is a result of cooperation between various departments in IU as well as outside organizations such as the Mathers Museum and the Indiana State Museum. The purpose of CLIOH is to document and preserve world heritage sites in digital form for future generations. Currently, the collection contains multimedia from the Mayan city of Uxmal in Yucatan, Mexico, and the Angel Mounds Mississippian site.

Object Characterisitcs & Metadata

Currently, the collections consists mainly of still Image digitized in 1000x667 pixels 862KB JPEGs. The collection also includes Real media streaming video clips. However, as the collection grows, the library promises to include other QTVR, virtual reality and graphical recreations as part of the collection. The CLIOH archive is cataloged in compliance with Dublin Core and Open Archives Initiatives guidelines. The search system includes query searching and subject browsing.d.

Intended Audience

One of the goals of CIOH is to provide various technologies to researchers, students, and patrons interested in the subject mater to gain access to these items in order to aid in the development of “reports, investigative studies and other curriculum driven outcomes”. As such one CLIOH can be said to be for scholarly use and for future generations that may take interest in the contributions that ancient cultures left to humankind.

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