Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sewing Machines Historical Trade Literature in Smithsonian Collection

Collection Principles
The Sewing Machines Historical Trade Literature is a collection of materials published by and about sewing machine companies in the United States, starting in the 1840s. One part of the collection includes sewing machine catalogs and other materials like fliers and manuals. The trade literature collection managed by the Smithsonian Institution Libraries (SIL) spans 285,000 pieces that were published as early as the 185 from 30,000 American sewing machine companies. The digital collection is a work in progress. It will some day hold images for the 3,329 items for now there are about 20 digital images. There is currently metadata on 536 items. The selection for digital presentation was contingent on the condition of the piece, size, and copyright status.

The following metadata is provided for 536 items: Standard Company Name, Company Name, Title, Date imprint, Pages, Notes (which includes format, examples are trade cards, catalogs, fliers, etc.), Descriptive Notes, Smithsonian Location (building, box number and folder number), and Image (if available), and Record Number. The material can be searched by two finding aids and can be searched by manufacturer or machine model.

Object Characteristics
There are very few digital images in this collection. The few that are available for viewing are colored scanned jpegs. No further information is provided.

Intended Audience
Researchers of industrial literature and those interested in sewing machines would find this collection interesting. Unfortunately because there are few images it may be frustrating for anyone that chooses to explore this website.

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