Friday, November 9, 2007

Indian Peoples of the Northern Great Plains-Online Image Database

Indian Peoples of the Northern Great Plains-Online Image Database

The Indian Peoples of the Northern Great Plains online digital image database is a collection of over 1,500 photographs, stereographs, ledger drawings, and sketches. The project is a joint partnership between Montana State University Libraries and the Museum of the Rockies. As such, most of the materials were pulled from The Montana State University campuses, the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, and Little Big Horn College in Crow Agency, Montana.

Native Americans, educators, librarians, and historians collaborated to decide which items from the various collection would be digitized. Indexing is done through Dublin Core. Software used to digitize the items includes the Oracle, and Adobe software bundles, Agfa T2000XL scanners and are currently stored in a Sun Enterprise 250 Server with Solaris 2.7 that is housed in the Montana State University Information Technology Center. Files are backed up on UPS and Tape Backup Drives. The photographs resolution of most materials is roughly 640x480 dpi.

The sites copyright protection statement restricts use strictly for educational and research purposes. The ultimate aim of the IMS funded project is to provide access to students, researchers, and the general public to important materials concerning Plains Indian cultures which previously were only accessible by traveling to Montana.

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