Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Hippie Museum

The Hippie Museum
1. This museum didn't have a extensive collection but what they did have seemed to be items of Hippie-dom that loved by both the original owner and the collection owner. They appeared to digitize anything they had that pertained to or was about the original Hippie movement.

2.The only metadata present was the date, origin, and sometimes the creator as is the case with the Hippie quilts.

3. Most of the objects had back story on what they were and how they arrived at the museum. Some of the items had original photos of the object as it appeared in the late 60's. The digital scans of magazine articles was poorly done. There were various shadows cast because of bumps in the paper as it lay on the scanner. There were, however, several photographs and posters that had a larger picture available and you were able to zoom in farther on the larger image to see nice detail. There was some original poetry that was scanned in as well but none of the text was searchable.

4.The intended audience is anyone who enjoyed or remembers the Hippie movement of the late 60's early 70's.

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